Membership Directory: How To Sign In

If this is your first time accessing the membership directory, you’ll need to request a password. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to the Membership Directory or to your Member Profile

Step 2: Select “Request Password”, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 5.26.59 PM.png

Step 3: Enter your email address, and click the “Request Password” button

Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 5.27.06 PM.png

Step 4: Check your email

You will receive a password which you can copy and paste. Go back to the Membership Directory, select “Sign In”, enter your email and the password you received, and click the “Sign In” button.

We recommend changing your password to something memorable. For help with this, check out the article below.

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